Definition of Bar fly

1. Noun. A drinker who frequents bars.

Generic synonyms: Drinker, Imbiber, Juicer, Toper

Definition of Bar fly

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of barfly) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bar Fly

bar billiards
bar bit
bar chart
bar charts
bar clasp
bar clasp arm
bar clip attachments
bar code
bar codes
bar exam
bar examination
bar examinations
bar exams
bar flies
bar fly
bar girl
bar graph
bar hop
bar iron
bar joint denture
bar line
bar lines
bar magnet
bar magnets
bar mask
bar mitzvah
bar none
bar of bladder
bar off

Literary usage of Bar fly

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Typographia: an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of by Thomas Curson Hansard (1825)
"If the catch stand too low, it will not hold the bar, which will come down when he is at work; for if, as it often happens, he lets the bar fly back harder ..."

2. The Printer's Grammar: Containing a Concise History of the Origin of by John Smith (1787)
"... further the Bar flies back, the more he hinders dif- patch in recovering it again. But yet he muft let the bar fly fo far back as that the Tympan may ..."

3. A Treatise on the Strength of Timber, Cast and Malleable Iron, and Other by Peter Barlow, Robert Willis (1851)
"... the action of the weight tends to make the bar fly upwards when it reaches the end of its course. To keep it in its groove, therefore, a steel stirrup, ..."

4. A treatise on the strength of materials by Peter Barlow (1867)
"We shall presently see that the action of the weight tends to make the bar fly upwards when it reaches the end ..."

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